The library is one of the last free community resources available and I'm always surprised when people tell me they don't take advantage of this. They don't realize that today's library isn't just books anymore - they offer so much more.
Besides offering a large variety of programs, libraries often act as the centre for community information. Our small library is part of a county wide system with 18 branches and, even though they're all part of the same system, branches provide different services according to the specific needs and wants of their own community.
My library card is good county-wide and I have been in at least ten of the eighteen branches. I love visiting the different ones and seeing what they have to offer. If I find something I like I can check it out on my card and return it to my local branch when I'm finished with it. I'm also able to participate in any of the programs being offered by branches within our system including:
Besides offering a large variety of programs, libraries often act as the centre for community information.
My library card is good county-wide and I have been in at least ten of the eighteen branches. I love visiting the different ones and seeing what they have to offer. If I find something I like I can check it out on my card and return it to my local branch when I'm finished with it. I'm also able to participate in any of the programs being offered by branches within our system including:
For Adults-----Matinee Movies------Book Club Kits-----Outreach
Office for Employment Services-----Get-together for Knitters and Needlework
Enthusiasts-----Hobbies & Craft Centres-----eBook downloads, some even
loan out the eReaders (no more late charges - when the book is due, it simply disappears from the eReader)-----Magazine downloads----- and of course a large choice of books: DIY, How-To's, Cooking, Gardening, Sewing, Decorating, Learn
Languages, Study Resources, Genealogy, Biography, Careers, Law and more.
For Teens-----Homework Help-----Games for Wii and
Playstation-----Wii drop-in Centre-----Books and Music for
Download-----Computer/Internet/Wifi Access.
For Children-----Lego Club-----After-school Book Club-----Saturday
Morning Reading and Craft Programs-----Saturday Morning Kids Activity
Table-----Access to Many Online Discovery Programs. (Babysitting? Take the kids to the library, it will keep them happily occupied
for hours.)
Many libraries now have a designated children's area that allows the children to explore and make discoveries on their own. Some of our grandchildren have been going to the library since they were one years old and because of this 'freedom' feature, they continue to find it a fascinating and favourite place to visit. And why not? Being able to choose different books, games or videos every week, that's pretty exciting stuff for a kid.
Recently I had to wait three hours while my husband underwent day surgery. Waiting in a hospital is not something I enjoy, instead I grabbed a Tim's and went to the library. I had been wanting to know how an eReader worked so they loaned me one to practice on - they're pretty nifty actually. Next, I found some different videos that we hadn't seen before so checked them out and then, since I had my laptop with me, I took the opportunity to do some research. A great way to spend waiting time.
Many libraries now have a designated children's area that allows the children to explore and make discoveries on their own. Some of our grandchildren have been going to the library since they were one years old and because of this 'freedom' feature, they continue to find it a fascinating and favourite place to visit. And why not? Being able to choose different books, games or videos every week, that's pretty exciting stuff for a kid.
Recently I had to wait three hours while my husband underwent day surgery. Waiting in a hospital is not something I enjoy, instead I grabbed a Tim's and went to the library. I had been wanting to know how an eReader worked so they loaned me one to practice on - they're pretty nifty actually. Next, I found some different videos that we hadn't seen before so checked them out and then, since I had my laptop with me, I took the opportunity to do some research. A great way to spend waiting time.
A little bonus - besides all the enjoyment I receive free from the library, it
even lets me save a bit every year with their magazine recycling
program. With this program I no longer buy magazines since I can now
choose from a variety of popular ones for free.
Saying I love libraries is a bit redundant, but its true. I'd be absolutely lost without them - You should go.
Talk to you again next week,
Saying I love libraries is a bit redundant, but its true. I'd be absolutely lost without them - You should go.
Talk to you again next week,
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